Actors needed as mock patients for UNM’s athletic training program – paid positions



The Athletic Training Program is a healthcare professional program located on UNM’s main campus in Johnson Center. We are looking for mock/standardized patients to serve as actors during various learning opportunities for our students. We are looking for a variety of patient populations (adult, pediatric, adolescent, elderly, non-athletic, etc.). UNM faculty, students, and community members are eligible. The time commitment is about 3 hours and mock patients receive a $50 gift card per session.


For more information and to express interest, complete the brief attached survey:


We have spots to fill for April-May 2025, and will have another round of requests for the summer and fall in July/August.


We hope you can distribute this to your students and any interested parties. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Thank you,

Sara Nottingham