Songvertising: The Future of Making your Ads an Asset

Let Story Quest Studios compose and record your company’s very own jingle. That’s right, we are bringing back the music and how music sells everything, even itself! Every jingle will become a single that you can incentivize people to interact with through our partner company’s app, Agua Technology. For a free class to learn how songvertising makes you money while rewarding those that engage in your ads. Your jingle should be racking up the streams and shared by your friends and family, and with it, even more opportunities to make revenue online from your phone. Reach out for a free consultation!

Learn More About Songvertising.
Each Songvert Is $1,000!

Learn how you can get discounts, and maybe even how to offset the cost of this service completely. Don't miss out, get your jingle pumping on the radio with Story Quest Studios!

Easy and Fun Money Making Opportunity

Are you tired of traditional advertising methods that just don’t seem to catch the attention of your target audience? Let Story Quest Studios help you create a jingle that will not only captivate your customers but also make them want to interact with your brand.

Create Jingle

Create compelling content and captivate your customers but also make them want to interact with your brand.

Team Support

Our team of experts will work with you to compose and record a jingle that perfectly represents your brand's personality and values.

Incentivize Interaction

Every jingle will become a single that you can incentivize people to interact with through our partner company's app, Agua Technology.

Make Money

For a free class to learn how Songvertising makes you money while rewarding those that engage in your ads.

Our Songvertising Team of Experts

Let us help you create a jingle that will help your brand stand out and make a lasting impression on your customers.

Ron Weisberg


Will Cunnigham

President & CEO

Nora Judith Wren Milton

Executive VP & Creative Director

Jessica Bernstein


Don’t just take our word for it


“Songvertising is a total game changer! I have been able to promote my brand and make some cash on the side.“


"This idea is truly genius! I was unsure at first, but Ron explained it to me and I'm not going back!"


“What an incredible opportunity to make money of your advertising and your brand."

Register for a free class to learn more!

Your jingle should be racking up the streams and shared by your friends and family, and with it, even more opportunities to make revenue online from your phone. Reach out for a free consultation!

© 2023 Story Quest Studios. All rights reserved.